A dry feed block, high in protein, designed to increase rumen function and encourage sheep and cattle to consume dry feed including cereal stubbles.
The Stubble Assist block is a high protein supplement designed to encourage sheep and cattle to consume available dry feed including cereal stubbles.
A dry feed block, high in protein, designed to increase rumen function and encourage sheep and cattle to consume dry feed including cereal stubbles.
Stubble Assist blocks are high in protein (34.31%) and contain carefully balanced macro and micro minerals and vitamins which increase rumen function, encouraging sheep and cattle to consume available dry feed.
The Stubble Assist block enables sheep and cattle to make the most of all available dry pasture and stubbles by assisting fibre digestion in the rumen.
Sheep – 5-10 grams per head per day – feed 3 x blocks per 100 head over 21 days
Cattle – 90-100 grams per head per day – feed 4 x blocks per 100 head over 7 days
During summer months when plentiful dry feed is available
Micro Minerals: zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), iodine (I), cobalt (Co) and selenium (Se).
Vitamins: Vit A, Vit D, Vit E and Biotin